Steelhead fishing Erie PA Report
The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission has begun its seasonal trout stockings in streams and lakes across the commonwealth. For a schedule, visit www.fishandboat.com.
Boaters are reminded that mandatory cold-weather life-jacket regulations remain in effect through April 30, requiring boaters to wear life jackets when in a vessels under 16 feet in length and in all canoes and kayaks.
Lake Erie tributaries — Steelhead were in the streams as of Feb. 1 but scattered, hard to catch, and running small. Sixteen Mile Creek appeared to offer the best bite on Erie’s east side. Anglers were catching steelhead from the mouth to the sewage treatment plant off Mill Road. Fly-anglers were doing well on nymphs and egg patterns.
Presque Isle Bay (Erie County) — Anglers fishing along the Bayfront in late January were catching panfish and steelhead.
Pymatuning Reservoir (Crawford County) — A few boaters were out in the milder weather of late January and fishing around the causeway. Several dozen anglers fishing the docks at the Jamestown Marina were catching crappies, bluegills, and a few yellow perch.
Lake Arthur (Butler County) — Nice catches of crappies were reported in early February, with good bites over weedbeds west of the Route 528 access. Slow-trolling buck-tail jigs in white or brown was effective.
Kahle Lake, Piney Dam (Clarion County) — Anglers are reminded that these fisheries are in a drawn-down state.
Allegheny River (Clarion County) — The Parker access area was closed Feb. 1 because of high water.
Shenango Reservoir (Mercer County) — With ice gone by the end of January, shore anglers and boaters were on the lake catching crappies and white bass.
Brady’s Run Lake (Beaver County) — Anglers were catching numbers of trout in early February. Anglers were doing well with flies or jigs with a float.
Ohio River, Beaver River — High water through early February made for tough fishing.
Keystone Lake (Westmoreland County) — Numbers of trout were reported in the mild weather of early February, with rainbows appearing to hit a variety of baits such as multi-colored scented pastebaits all over the lake.
Yellow Creek Lake (Indiana County) — Before ice-out, anglers were catching northern pike, smallmouth and largemouth bass, and panfish, with minnows effective, on this 720-acre lake.
Keystone Power Dam (Armstrong County) — Before ice-out, anglers were catching bluegills and largemouth bass.
Cheat River (Greene, Washington counties) — Walleye action was hit or miss through the end of January. Anglers were advised by the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission to be wary of loose sections of the wall and walkway near the parking area below Cheat Lake Dam.
Ten Mile Creek (Washington County) — Trout were reported in parts of the creek between Jefferson and Clarksville, and Marianna.
Twin Lakes (Westmoreland County) — Live baits were catching trout through late January. Fly-anglers were doing well on wet flies on the lower lake.
Indian Lake (Somerset County) — Numbers of trout were reported through late January, with live baits the ticket.
Hills Creek Lake (Tioga County) — Last-ice anglers were making nice panfish catches through the end of January.
Beechwood Lake, Hills Creek Lake (Tioga County) — Bluegills up to 8 inches, yellow perch, and crappies up to 14 inches were reported on waxworms and live minnows through the end of January. Chartreuse, pink, and silver were popular jig colors.
Hamilton Lake (Tioga County) — Mild temperatures in late January opened up the creek mouth, and anglers were catching trout at the boat launch on waxworms and mealworms.
Fishing Creek (Clinton County) — Trout were reported on nymph patterns such as Beadhead Pheasant Tails (12-18), Prince (12-16), unweighted olive streamers (6-10), and orange eggs (12-16).
Spring Creek (Centre County) — Trout were hitting crawlers and spinners near Bellefonte. They also were doing well on nymphs such as orange egg patterns, sowbugs, scuds, and Green Weenies, as well as olive or black streamers (6-10). On milder days, trout were rising to midges and scattered Blue-wing Olives.
Susquehanna River (York County) — A slow bite was reported as of Feb. 1 on the lower reaches. Some catfish and walleyes were caught in the York Haven area. Catfish were hitting shrimp and liver, while walleyes were taking jigs and minnows or jigs and twister tails.
Cowans Gap Lake (Fulton County) — Rainbow trout were hitting Rooster Tails and PowerBait through early February.
Lost Creek (Juniata County) — Trout were reported on nymphs through early February.
Holman Lake (Perry County) — Panfish were hitting on small baits around underwater structures through early February.
Stoever’s Dam (Lebanon County) — Coble’s Bait Shop reported anglers were catching panfish on jigs and fathead minnows, and quite a few trout on waxworms and mealworms as of Feb. 5.
Lions Lake (Lebanon County) — Coble’s Bait Shop reported shore anglers were making some nice releases of smallmouth bass, with minnows the ticket in early February.
Susquehanna River — In early February, anglers were targeting walleyes around Falmouth.
Yellow Breeches Creek (Cumberland County) — TCO Fly Shop reported Feb. 5 that the return of cold weather caused surface action to slow. Water was in the high 30s and low 40s and clear. Suspended nymphs or slowly-stripped streamers were recommended. Hatches included midges (18-24), scuds (12-20), Blue-Winged Olives (18-20), and Goblins (8).
Fishing Creek (Luzerne, Columbia counties) — Trout were hitting through early February around the Benton area.
Susquehanna River — Boaters took advantage of mild weather through early February to target walleyes and muskies, with much of the activity out of the Union Access and Bloomsburg.
White Oak Pond (Wayne County) — Panfish are hitting on jigs tipped with waxworms or mealworms through early February.
Prompton Dam (Wayne County) — Good catches of crappies were reported on jigs and waxworms through early February.
Belmont Lake (Wayne County) — Hunter’s Gallery reported Feb. 5 that ice anglers were catching bass on extra-large minnows, and perch in mixed sizes, from small to a few jumbos, on fathead minnows.
Deer Lake (Lackawanna County) — Largemouth bass were still hitting through the ice in early February, with large minnows the ticket. Perch also were reported, on fatheads.
Lackawanna Lake (Lackawanna County) — Bluegills and crappies were hitting for anglers fishing off Fasching Landing through early February.
Lake Wallenpauck (Pike County) — Hunter’s Gallery reported Feb. 5 that ice fishing was reduced to the coves, where anglers were catching bass on large minnows and perch in mixed sizes on fatheads. One angler released a muskie through the ice.
Fairview Lake (Pike County) — Perch and bass were reported in early February, with extra-large minnows taking the bass, and fatheads productive with perch.
Susquehanna River — Anglers were catching catfish, walleyes up to 9 pounds on minnows, and muskies up to 42 inches through early February, according to Hunter’s Gallery.
Delaware River — Anglers were targeting muskies and walleyes through early February.
Blue Marsh Lake (Berks County) — Anglers were catching crappies and yellow perch through early February.
Tulpehocken Creek (Berks County) — Trout were hitting on streamers and bead-head nymphs in mild temperatures through early February.
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