Asian Carp: Fish found in Lake

Fish found in Lake Erie

BlueGill / Pumpkinseed

Local Fishing Categories


Simply put, there is nothing more enjoyable to fish for – be it for the youngsters or the rest of the family – than the tasty panfish. Fishing close to shore, in the lake tributaries or around marina docks with live bait like red worms or minnows can be very productive. Yellow perch can be found offshore in huge schools and we are famous for the jumbo variety. Tackle as simple as a hook, sinker and bobber is all you need for a great time with the family – no matter what the age.

can split into two groups: warm water and cold water species. There are nearshore and offshore opportunities in all of our waters, depending on the time of year. These are a few of the fish that make our region famous and give you the thrill of the catch that will last you a lifetime.

Warm Water:

Some other species to consider include bullhead, catfish, sheepshead and more to make it an exciting day to wet a line and get your heart racing. Carp are gaining recognition and impressive specimens can be caught throughout the region.

This species was once indigenous to New York. Catching an Atlantic salmon is a rare feat, but once you catch one you’ll remember it for a lifetime. Lake Ontario is the only water in the Greater Niagara area currently receiving stockings, with occasional fish showing up in Lake Ontario, the Niagara River and some of the tributaries like Eighteenmile Creek at Burt Dam. Minimum size for these fish is 25 inches long in an effort to protect them. The state record is another Lake Ontario fish, a 24 pound 15 ounce trophy. These fish are often confused with brown trout for identification.

Brown Trout

BlueGill / Pumpkinseed

These popular panfish are just what the doctor ordered to keep young kids busy and happy. While these are two different types of fish, they'll often occupy the same waters, such as around sunken limbs, weeds or any type of shallow bottom structure. Red worms are the favorite bait of these feisty scrappers. They can be found in lakes Erie and Ontario, the Niagara River, the Erie Canal and most inland lakes and ponds.

Brown Trout

Most of the brown trout fishing takes place in Lake Ontario portion of Niagara County, although some of the Erie County inland streams may see some stocking. Browns can be found throughout the year in Lake Ontario or its tributaries, with the hotspots being Eighteenmile Creek at Burt Dam; Twelvemile Creek at Wilson; and the lower Niagara River during fall and winter. Come springtime, the big lake is the best spot, trolling the shoreline during April and May. July and August is a good time to target browns out a bit deeper, but inside of 100 foot depths. Placing small spoons on or near the bottom near the thermocline is traditionally the best approach. Fish over 30 pounds have been caught.Carp The state record is 33 pounds, two ounces from Lake Ontario.


These fish can be found throughout the Greater Niagara area, too, with spring being the most popular time for catching these tasty fish. Beware of the sharp spines on the dorsal and pectoral fins. Worms, crabs and minnows are all favorite foods of whiskered fish, but stink bait, chunks of meat or dough balls can all be used to catch these fish, too. The state record brown bullhead is six pounds, nine ounces; the black bullhead is seven pounds, seven ounces.


Carp are quickly gaining recognition as a prized catch in Greater Niagara waters, especially since European anglers started coming over to sample our fishery. The result has been some impressive catches, including some fish over 40 pounds. The state record is a 50 pound, four ounce beast. Carp can be found in most streams, the shallow bays off Erie and Ontario, as well as throughout the Niagara River and Erie Canal system. Worms are a favorite bait, as is corn, dough balls or bread.


Channel Catfish

These fish are really making a mark on the local fishing scene, with a state record fish of over 31 pounds coming from Lake Erie waters in 2002. While that mark has since been broken by a 32 pound, 12 ounce fish, these fish can be consistently caught from May to October throughout Great Lakes waters.

Chinook Salmon

The king salmon is one of the most sought after trophies on Lake Ontario. They can be caught from April through November, with one of the best times being April and May on the Niagara Bar. During the Spring Lake Ontario Counties Derby, more than 50 percent of all winning fish are traditionally caught from these waters. August and September are also good months in the lake from the Niagara River to Olcott. This is when these fish will move into the river and tributaries in an attempt to spawn. The state record fish is 47 pounds, 15 ounces. Occasional salmon will show up in Lake Erie tributaries, but no stocking is currently done in these waters.

Coho Salmon

This cousin of the Chinook normally doesn’t get as big as the king. However, with the world record catch coming from Lake Ontario at 33 pounds, seven ounces, you might get an argument from some. These fish show up in the spring and hang around into the fall when they follow the kings in to spawn. Only Lake Ontario receives stockings of these fish currently, but an occasional fish will show up in Lake Erie tribs. These are also popular fish to target with spoons and spinners off the piers at Wilson and Olcott during the spring when waters are just starting to warm.

Lake Trout Largemouth Bass Rainbow/Steelhead Trout Round Goby
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